It’s the first entry! Here we go…

When starting the first day of classes in college, you gave a short introduction. Usually you stated your name, your major, where you were originally from, and one interesting thing about yourself. So, since this is the first entry and therefore I am introducing myself, I’ll give it the old college try:

I’m Emily, I majored in English and Communications, I am originally from Denver, CO and I am distantly related to Conan O’Brien.*

I feel like that introduction does not fit anymore. It’s old and doesn’t apply to me. Well, I am named Emily and I am originally from the Mile High City, and I did double major in those two subjects in college (barely), but I feel like so much has changed since then that I should write a new, short introduction, one that fits mid-20s Emily, not wide-eyed undergrad Emily. 

I’m Emily, I’m 26, I currently live in Denver, CO, and I want to be a writer. 

Uh oh, someone else with a blog that wants to be a writer…

But seriously, I do. I know there are a plethora of these kinds of blogs on the world wide web, and I myself hate jumping on cliched bandwagons as much as the next gal, but it’s something I decided might actually help my writing process instead of hindering it. 

Since I started writing novels three years ago, I have been superstitious about talking about what I’m writing. It’s scary! It’s very revealing and very tough. Not everyone can relate to writing and the process (and believe me, it is a process), so I figured that I’d just keep my frustrations and jubilations to myself. No one cares.

I thought this way for a while until I took a class at the Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop here in Denver. This workshop was a very basic class that broadly touched on lots of topics about writing, and one of them was using a journal. Well, I’ll keep one for my private emotions-drenched thoughts, but I figure that it won’t hurt to document what I’m up to. As my friend Matt says, jinxes and superstitions are only in your head (and then he would bellow SCIENCE and tell me more crazy facts he learns at his job). Also, having a blog may be one of the ways that my non-novelist friends get a peek at what I’m up to. It can also open up the channels of communications with other writers (but more on how I feel about other writers later). 

So what will you find here, exactly? I’ll be documenting my progress on two projects that I’m working on, the other writing opportunities that crop up, what I’m reading, and generally what I’m up to. I’ve read many a post on the many writers blogs I follow that stress the point that in order to write, you must live your life. There may be some of that ‘me living my life’ stuff on here too. But not too much. We’re not going into ‘dear diary’ territory here, I promise. 

If you would like, you are more than welcome to stick around. There will be much going on here. Even if no one reads it, then who cares, right?! At least it’s here for me as a chronicle of what it’s like being a writer. I can look back, find typos that make me hate myself, and reminisce with a smile, no matter where I find myself in the coming months (years?). 

Until then, take care readers! 

*this has not been proven, but we come from the same Irish clan so we’re probably like 16th cousins or something. It was the only thing I could think of to make me sound cool. 

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